Interestingly, I think my favorite pickup of the year was Black Series Jar Jar Binks. Star Wars: This is another line I slowed down on this year.especially since I, primarily, only collect Original Trilogy characters. In particular, Major Bludd, Timber, Lady Jaye and Flint. Honorable mentions go to every other figure released under the Classified line this year, really.lol. He has the looks and the attitude I need for that character. I have nothing against the other Roadblock figures released thus far, but this guy is THE Roadblock I wanted from the beginning. Looking over them, though, the one that hits me the hardest is Heavy Artillery Roadblock. G.I.Joe: This is probably the toughest one for me since I was impressed by every single figure they released this year.
Honorable mentions go to the ridiculous and well-articulated NECA toon Pizza Monster, NECA movie April, Super7 Mutagen Man and Super7 Donatello. He is one of the last remaining TMNT 80s/90s toon figures I really want for my collection that was released this year, and they did a pretty good job on him. I'm going to give the award to the NECA toon Rat King. TMNT: I didn't pick up a ton of TMNT figures this year either.at least compared to the whirlwind that was 2020. Honorable mention goes to the Infinity Gauntlet Deluxe Thanos. The accessories are over the top as well. The cape is a character unto itself in the movies, and I really appreciate the ability to bring it to life in figure form. This guy's cloth cape is very well done in both form and function. He's an improvement over the previous SHF Doc (IMO) in the articulation department and the cape department. But I think I have to give the award to SHF Battle on Titan Doctor Strange. Marvel: I didn't pick up too many Marvel figures this year.really just a handful. Honorable mentions go to Origins Orko and Origins Roboto for the nostalgic derp and the vintage gimmicks, respectively as well as MOTWWEU Mr. And maybe it's just me, but, it seems like his articulation range is better than average compared to other figures in the line. The ridiculousness of the sculpt, the accessories and that blood-pumping action are just too much fun. MOTU: I can't believe I'm going to say this.and maybe it's just recency bias.but I think it might be Origins Mosquitor. So, I'll list my top figure from each of the main lines I collect. I'm into a lot of different lines and it's really difficult for me to just pick one or two top figures.I like them all in different ways.
And, feel free to list any pre-2021 release(s) you picked up this year under a heading of "Notable Older Pickup(s)".

I haven't seen a thread for this yet, so I figured I'd start one! What are your top figures of the year for 2021? Anything goes! All figures are welcome ( party.KO).