As you can see, the primary sketch was directly referenced from the only "professional" illustration of the creature. Given the lack of Glowey art here on DA, I figured this little buddy deserved some love, especially considering the only piece of art I could find was rather inaccurate to the witness descriptions. It was always described as being bioluminescent- or "glow-in-the-dark" -giving off a faint green glow, and is presumed to have been an aquatic creature, as there are very few land animals that have that trait and suction cups are not designed for terrestrial locomotion. It had large oval-shaped eyes, a scaley fringe on the back of its neck, and moved on four rubbery flippers that had suction cups on their undersides. Cruel and fickle, passionate and vindictive, jealous and insecure, petty and insane: the inhabitants of Mount Olympus represent an attempt by the ancient. Glowey was originally described as being the size of a horse, having fishy scales that blended into smooth dolphin-like skin, a football-shaped head with a squid-like beak and snail-like antennae. After that, any and all information regarding Glowey seemed to disappear, and no more sightings were ever reported. In response to the unexplained sightings, the local sheriff launched an investigation into the incidents only to be halted by mysterious individuals who identified themselves as officials from NASA and the US Air Force. It was first sighted by a grocer who was deer hunting and claimed to have stumbled across the animal, his story was later corroborated by a couple who saw the creature on the side of the road while they were driving along a state route. The strange encounters were preceded by the sighting of a peculiar "fiery object" shooting through the sky that landed about 5 miles from the mountain, there's no direct evidence that the two are related but given the seemingly ironic timeline of events, it's hard not to make a connection between them. Now I don't know if Glowey is a boy or girl or if they even have a gender, but they made headlines back in the early 70's when they were sighted around- you guessed it -Bald Mountain in Washington, USA. Introducing this paranormal cutie-patootie known as the Crazy Critter of Bald Mountain, or as I like to call it, "Glowey"! I started off by zbrushing his anatomy first, just to get his general shapes so I could feel him out better and start sketching on top.Aaand Child-Of-Hades returns to her cryptozoological roots! Boy, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, nothing like a blast from the past with an all new oddball I just happened across!

#Crazy hades art full
I know I want to push away from a full Greco-Roman design so I am trying out some asymmetric armour with a flowy torn skirt, and right now I’m wanting to keep him black on black with accents of gold. So what I am shooting for is a cold, dark, elegant, and armoured character, I don’t have a set idea yet so I’m still roughing out sketches. Quick note: for WIP 3d views I’ll be uploading them privately so they won’t be seen on my main page and they don’t show up in the news feed, so subscribing to the thread will be the easiest way to keep undated I’ll try and post as in-depth as I can so anyone following can get a good idea of my workflow, and if you have any questions about my process or feedback, please let me know! This will be my process thread, I’ll be regularly posting lots of WIP shots and 3d views, probably set a few things on fire, and fall on my face a few times, you know all the good stuff! I was really inspired to work on a redesign of a Greek deity and it was a hard choice between Ares and Hades, but the one with the puppies and black ponies won Hey guys! I’m Katia ( Sketchfab/ ArtStation) and welcome to my thread! I’ll be working alongside with Sketchfab for the next few weeks in creating a fantasy character model